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Sept. 11, 2024

Discover the Story of 'Seattle Samurai': Kelly Goto’s Tribute to History

Discover the Story of 'Seattle Samurai': Kelly Goto’s Tribute to History
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Exploring Washington State

Meet Kelly Goto

Kelly Goto is a trailblazing American entrepreneur renowned for her user experience design and contextual research. Kelly began using .ethnography, where she was among the first to delve into this innovative approach, reshaping how we understand and improve user interactions.

That is not why she is our guest. 😉

Introducing Seattle Samurai: A Book Project Honoring a Creative Legacy

The centerpiece of Kelly's current endeavors is her book project, "Seattle Samurai," which pays tribute to her father's cartoon career. Kelly has meticulously curated and presented her father's cartoons, aiming to create a comprehensive narrative despite the challenges. The beautifully designed book embodies honor and respect, core themes of the Bushido code, and is a testament to her father's artistic contributions.

Trials and Triumphs: The Creative Process Behind "Seattle Samurai"

Creating "Seattle Samurai" was no small feat. Kelly spent countless hours refining the book, facing significant setbacks and sleepless nights. An epiphany about organizing the book around the character Samurai Shigeru and the Bushido code helped her overcome creative blocks. With support from Chin Music Press and dedicated editorial team members, Kelly ensured the book honored her father's legacy while adhering to historical accuracy and thematic consistency.

Embracing Imperfection: Wabi-Sabi and the Goto Family Ethos

Kelly's family's approach to art and life embraces the beauty of imperfection, a philosophy known as Wabi-Sabi. This ethos is evident in their practical mindset and love for handcrafted solutions, whether a modified toilet paper holder or intricate engravings on teeth. The Goto family's collaborative spirit and dedication to preserving history and art shine through in their creations and storytelling.

A Journey of Remembrance and Connection

Through her book, Kelly commemorates her father's artistic contributions and celebrates her family's shared creative journey. Her book tour offers an opportunity to connect with new audiences, bridging generations and communities. As Kelly navigates the excitement and nerves of sharing her father's legacy, her dedication to preserving and honoring their story remains unwavering.

Connect With Kelly Goto

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